Pilihanraya Sarawak amat menarek diulas dari topik ini kerana ramai tidak tahu ada kaitan Tangan Tangan Kapitalis yang Ghaib mengambil bahagian dalam politik Sarawak dalam bentuk gerakan environmentalist (kempen anti minyak kelapa sawit dan anti kayu tropika).
Sarawak adalah pengeluar minyak hydrocarbon yang pertama di dunia. Malah sejarah syarikat Shell bermula di Sarawak! Shell started in Sarawak . Sarawak juga pengeluar minyak masak berasaskan kelapa sawit yang terkemuka di dunia.
Perang ini sudah bermula di pertengahan tahun 1980-an. Tatkala saya maseh undergraduate dan belajar biochemistry di salah sebuah university di Amerika Utara profesor saya ada menyatakan bahawa secara keseluruhan minyak kelapa kelapa dan minyak kelapa sawit adalah lebih baik kesannya ke atas kesihatan jangka panjang berbanding minyak soya. Lewat itu sudah tercetus perang minyak masak di Amerika!.
Perang bermula bila Persatuan Minyak Soya Amerika terancam kerana penjualan minyak soya jauh lebih rendah dari minyak masak tropika. Faktor yang menyebabkan minyak kelapa sawit popular di kalangan pengguna domestik dan pengilang kerana harganya adalah jauh lebih rendah harganya dan penggunaanya dalam masakan adalah lebih sihat berbanding minyak soya.
Komposisi olein yang terdapat minyak kelapa tropika (termasuklah minyak kelapa sawit) adalah jenis lemak separa tepu yang tidak akan berubah komposisi kimia bila dimasak (hydrogenated oils). Oleh itu minyak kelapa sawit tidak mendatangkan mudarat kepada jantung berbanding minyak soya. Karotin yang terdapat dalam minyak sawit dan memberi warna merah kepada minyak sawit pula ialah agen anti oksida yang boleh mencegah barah.
Antara rujukan saintifik mengenai kebaikan minyak kelapa tropika termasuk minyak sawit adalah di CoconutOil dan palm oil facts
Bahaya minyak soya pula adalah di video ini
Bagaimana perang minyak masak antara kapitalis menjadi Perang Environmentalist dan gerakan Green.
Kerana tertekan dengan pasaran minyak soya yang sentiasa kurang permintaan berbanding minyak kelapa sawit maka pertengahan tahun 1980-an menyaksikan usaha mengganda untuk memburukkan minyak kelapa sawit dan mengaitkan minyak sawit dengan kemudaratan kesihatan dan akhirnya bahaya kerosakan kepada alam sekitar kerana penanaman besar besaran ladang kelapa sawit menggantikan hutan tropika dibuat. Excerp dari artikel soy-deception menjelaskan lobby memburukkan minyak kelapa sawit:
"The soybean industry is up to its old tricks, attempting to demonize the tropical oils. This time, the attacks are in the guise of environmentalism. However, if the truth were told, the soy industry would be exposed as one of the world’s worst offenders. Palm oil production, on the other hand, is protecting areas like the Amazon rain forest from destruction.
During the 1970s and 1980s the soybean industry was troubled by emerging evidence that soybean oil consumption lowered immunity, increased susceptibility to infectious disease, and promoted cancer.
At this same time saturated fats were being scrutinized because of their tendency, in general, to raise blood cholesterol levels. The bigwigs in the soybean industry got the bright idea that if they could demonize the competition, by making saturated fats appear to be the cause of heart disease—the nation’s number one killer—people wouldn’t pay much attention to the negative findings coming out about soybean oil. Starting in the mid-1980s the soybean oil industry began a multi-million dollar anti-saturated fat campaign. Saturated fats increased cholesterol, they said, and high cholesterol causes heart disease. The tropical oils (coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils) were singled out as being the worst offenders because of their high saturated fat content.
Some, but not all, saturated fats do raise total cholesterol, but there was no solid evidence that high cholesterol actually caused heart disease. That is why high cholesterol is only considered a “risk factor” rather than a cause. But that didn’t stop the soy industry. Gullible consumer advocate groups like The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and The American Heart Savors Association were swayed by the misleading information and began their own campaigns against saturated fats. In these groups the soybean industry found very vocal, high profile allies which spearheaded much of the criticism against saturated fats, and particularly against the tropical oils. These organizations placed anti-saturated fat ads in the media, published newsletters and magazine articles, and books, and lobbied for political action against the use of tropical oils and other saturated fats.
The soybean industry fed misleading information to these groups and allowed them to fight the battle. The soybean industry took a back seat and stayed out of the limelight. This was very clever from a marketing perspective because now the soybean industry wasn’t viewed as openly attacking their competition. Since the bulk of the attack came from supposedly impartial third parties, their message had more impact. People were swayed against saturated fats and the tropical oils."
Bagaimana Gerakan Hijau (Green movement), environmentalist dan kempen "selamatkan orang utan" terlibat
Permintaan minyak sawit sentiasa meningkat dari pengilang. Fitnah dari Persatuan minyak soya telah mengaitkan minyak sawit dengan kesihatan. Bagaimanapon bila tuduhan itu dapat dibuktikan tidak benar secara saintifik Persatuan Soya mengaitkan dengan kemusnahan hutan tropika dan orang utan pula.
Bagaimanapon industri minyak sawit dan pengguna minyak sawit bertindak balas bagi membersihkan reputasi dan jenama mereka. Paul Newman aktor terkenal menggunakan minyak sawit dan berita pertelingkahannya mengenai minyak sawit di petik di the cookie vs orang utan war
"the amount of palm oil the United States is importing from Southeast Asia, where most of it comes from, continues to grow. Imports jumped to 405,000 metric tons in 2005 from 195,000 in 2003, statistics from the U.S.D.A. Foreign Agriculture Service show.
Here's where the orangutans come in. Last summer, the Center for Science in the Public Interest issued a report called Cruel Oil. In it, the group said that crucial tracts of tropical rainforest were being destroyed and turned into palm plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia, which account for more than 80 percent of the production of the world's palm oil. Orangutans live only in Sumatra and Borneo, and the campaign said they and other endangered animals, including tigers and rhinoceroses, were in danger of "dying for a cookie."
Here's where Paul Newman comes in. Mr. Jacobson and the report's other authors accuse Mr. Newman of "bragging" on his labels for cookies and microwave popcorn that palm oil is free of trans fat and is less saturated than palm kernel oil.
"These statements are literally true, but mislead people into thinking that palm oil is positively healthy," the report said. "Palm oil is not a health food."
For Ms. Newman, who contributes a large amount of time and money to sustainable farming and other environmental causes, the move against her family company seemed unfair. Her father was even angrier.
"It really upset Pops," said Ms. Newman. He became obsessed with proving that the form of palm oil the company uses is a healthier alternative to trans fats and that Newman's Own Organics isn't misleading its customers.
Gerakan Environmentalist , penglibatan dana asing dan Baru Bian (calon PKR Ba Kelalan)
Gerakan asing merosakkan reputasi miyak kelapa sawit Sarawak dipelopori oleh Wetland International Palm oil , peatland and Wetland publication. Wetland International pula mendapat dana asing dari National Endowment for Democracy.
Apakah National Endowment For Democracy (NED) ?
NED adalah Trojan Horse kepada aktiviti CIA di negara dunia ketiga. Rujuk trojan_horse
Siapakah pula yang mendapat dana asing di Malaysia?
Sumber au/library/NGOProjectReport menunjukkan kumpulan environmentalist dan NGO (di mana beberapa ahli politik pembangkang bergiat) mendapat bantuan dana tersebut:
" Wetlands International received two grants totalling US$60,000 to assist with its research into wetlands management in and around the Gulf of Thailand. "
"A number of environmental organisations received relatively small grants, primarily in the form of Global Green Grants from the Tides Foundation. These included Suaram (US$15,000), Sahabat Alam Malaysia (US$14,000), Indigenous Peoples Development Center (US$12,000), Uma Residents’ Association (US$7,400), KERUAN (US$6,500), Save Our Sungai Selangor (US$6,500), Coalition of Concerned NGOs on Bakun (US$3,000), Penang Inshore Fisherman Welfare Association (US$3,000), Sustainable Development Network Malaysia (US$2,745) and The Borneo Project (US$1,500)".
Lihat pula hasil laporan memburukkan Malaysia dan tindakan membalas laporan negatif yang telah dibuat oleh mypalmoil.
"Last year, environmental activist Wetlands International claimed 20 per cent of Malaysia's oil palm plantations are grown on peatland. More recently, it released a report by SarVision claiming that more than a third of Sarawak's peatland and 10 per cent of the state's forests were cleared between 2005 and 2010, for oil palm plantations.
It also alleged oil palm planting on peat displaced orangutans, tigers and elephants and increased carbon emissions.
These claims are repeatedly argued to further its "no indirect land use change" agenda, which Hamed noted actually poses a serious threat to the world's supply of cooking oils and fats. This is in addition to the obvious impact of curbing efforts to raise living standards through oil palm cultivation for poverty stricken states like Sarawak.
Apart from Wetlands' failure to adduce any credible scientific evidence that can be verified, SOPPOA chairman noted SarVision's definition of 'forest' is in line with that of UNFCCC which state that trees taller than 5m are considered as forest. -
Putarbelit fakta dan sejarah- pembangkang dan Baru Bian ambil kesempatan
Jelas menunjukkan dari laporan mypalmoil. definisi "hutan" menurut UNFCC adalah sebarang aktiiti penanaman semula kawasan hutan yang ditebang dengan species pokok lain yang mempunyai ketinggian melebihi 5 meter dikira sebagai kegiatan pemuliharaan hutan dan mengekalkan hutan! Sesungguhnya pembangunan ladang-ladang kelapa sawit di Sarawak dan Malaysia mengambil kira beberapa langkah utama iaitu memulihara hutan dengan menggantikan kawasan hutan berkayu dengan ladang kelapa sawit yang mendatangkan hasil dari minyak kelapa sawit serta menjadikan projek ladang kelapa sawit sebagai sosial engineering untuk menaiktaraf penduduk termiskin (di Semenanjung Malaysia).
Isu tanah adat (Native Customary Reserve NCR)
Isu tanah adat (NCR) yang cuba dibangkitkan pembangkang juga tidak menjadi kerana SELCRA membayar pampasan tanah ke atas pemilik NCR yang berdaftar. Usaha juga sedang dibuat oleh Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak untuk mempercepatkan pengukuran tanah adat dan memberi geran tanah kepada pemilik tanah adat (NCR) di Sarawak.
Etnik indegeneous di Malaysia iaitu kaum BUMIPUTERA sentiasa dibela. Malah beberapa artikel artikel 3,4,11,153,157 dan 159) dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan memelihara kepentingan Bumiputera. Jadi di manakah datangnya pembohongan dan penyeksaan ke atas kaum yang tinggal di hutan (The forest people) dalam artikel tropical woods and Sarawak forest people?
Setelah kesemua pembohongan dibongkar, ke manakah mahu larinya pembangkang? Mungkin artikel ini elok dibaca oleh semua rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan keamanan baru-bian-is-powerful-than-policeman.html
Berhati hatilah memilih ADUN untuk negeri Sarawak dalam pilihanraya kali ini. Jangan jadikan agenda negara asing berjaya dan jangan Sarawak terjajah buat kali kedua oleh negara asing yang berproksi The Yellow Rajjah seperti pesanan saya dalam artikel terdahulu di antara-3s-dan-sarawak-for-sarawakians dan sarawakian-against-yellow-rajah
Sarawak adalah pengeluar minyak hydrocarbon yang pertama di dunia. Malah sejarah syarikat Shell bermula di Sarawak! Shell started in Sarawak . Sarawak juga pengeluar minyak masak berasaskan kelapa sawit yang terkemuka di dunia.
Perang ini sudah bermula di pertengahan tahun 1980-an. Tatkala saya maseh undergraduate dan belajar biochemistry di salah sebuah university di Amerika Utara profesor saya ada menyatakan bahawa secara keseluruhan minyak kelapa kelapa dan minyak kelapa sawit adalah lebih baik kesannya ke atas kesihatan jangka panjang berbanding minyak soya. Lewat itu sudah tercetus perang minyak masak di Amerika!.
Perang bermula bila Persatuan Minyak Soya Amerika terancam kerana penjualan minyak soya jauh lebih rendah dari minyak masak tropika. Faktor yang menyebabkan minyak kelapa sawit popular di kalangan pengguna domestik dan pengilang kerana harganya adalah jauh lebih rendah harganya dan penggunaanya dalam masakan adalah lebih sihat berbanding minyak soya.
Komposisi olein yang terdapat minyak kelapa tropika (termasuklah minyak kelapa sawit) adalah jenis lemak separa tepu yang tidak akan berubah komposisi kimia bila dimasak (hydrogenated oils). Oleh itu minyak kelapa sawit tidak mendatangkan mudarat kepada jantung berbanding minyak soya. Karotin yang terdapat dalam minyak sawit dan memberi warna merah kepada minyak sawit pula ialah agen anti oksida yang boleh mencegah barah.
Antara rujukan saintifik mengenai kebaikan minyak kelapa tropika termasuk minyak sawit adalah di CoconutOil dan palm oil facts
Bahaya minyak soya pula adalah di video ini
Bagaimana perang minyak masak antara kapitalis menjadi Perang Environmentalist dan gerakan Green.
Kerana tertekan dengan pasaran minyak soya yang sentiasa kurang permintaan berbanding minyak kelapa sawit maka pertengahan tahun 1980-an menyaksikan usaha mengganda untuk memburukkan minyak kelapa sawit dan mengaitkan minyak sawit dengan kemudaratan kesihatan dan akhirnya bahaya kerosakan kepada alam sekitar kerana penanaman besar besaran ladang kelapa sawit menggantikan hutan tropika dibuat. Excerp dari artikel soy-deception menjelaskan lobby memburukkan minyak kelapa sawit:
"The soybean industry is up to its old tricks, attempting to demonize the tropical oils. This time, the attacks are in the guise of environmentalism. However, if the truth were told, the soy industry would be exposed as one of the world’s worst offenders. Palm oil production, on the other hand, is protecting areas like the Amazon rain forest from destruction.
During the 1970s and 1980s the soybean industry was troubled by emerging evidence that soybean oil consumption lowered immunity, increased susceptibility to infectious disease, and promoted cancer.
At this same time saturated fats were being scrutinized because of their tendency, in general, to raise blood cholesterol levels. The bigwigs in the soybean industry got the bright idea that if they could demonize the competition, by making saturated fats appear to be the cause of heart disease—the nation’s number one killer—people wouldn’t pay much attention to the negative findings coming out about soybean oil. Starting in the mid-1980s the soybean oil industry began a multi-million dollar anti-saturated fat campaign. Saturated fats increased cholesterol, they said, and high cholesterol causes heart disease. The tropical oils (coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils) were singled out as being the worst offenders because of their high saturated fat content.
Some, but not all, saturated fats do raise total cholesterol, but there was no solid evidence that high cholesterol actually caused heart disease. That is why high cholesterol is only considered a “risk factor” rather than a cause. But that didn’t stop the soy industry. Gullible consumer advocate groups like The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and The American Heart Savors Association were swayed by the misleading information and began their own campaigns against saturated fats. In these groups the soybean industry found very vocal, high profile allies which spearheaded much of the criticism against saturated fats, and particularly against the tropical oils. These organizations placed anti-saturated fat ads in the media, published newsletters and magazine articles, and books, and lobbied for political action against the use of tropical oils and other saturated fats.
The soybean industry fed misleading information to these groups and allowed them to fight the battle. The soybean industry took a back seat and stayed out of the limelight. This was very clever from a marketing perspective because now the soybean industry wasn’t viewed as openly attacking their competition. Since the bulk of the attack came from supposedly impartial third parties, their message had more impact. People were swayed against saturated fats and the tropical oils."
Bagaimana Gerakan Hijau (Green movement), environmentalist dan kempen "selamatkan orang utan" terlibat
Permintaan minyak sawit sentiasa meningkat dari pengilang. Fitnah dari Persatuan minyak soya telah mengaitkan minyak sawit dengan kesihatan. Bagaimanapon bila tuduhan itu dapat dibuktikan tidak benar secara saintifik Persatuan Soya mengaitkan dengan kemusnahan hutan tropika dan orang utan pula.
Bagaimanapon industri minyak sawit dan pengguna minyak sawit bertindak balas bagi membersihkan reputasi dan jenama mereka. Paul Newman aktor terkenal menggunakan minyak sawit dan berita pertelingkahannya mengenai minyak sawit di petik di the cookie vs orang utan war
"the amount of palm oil the United States is importing from Southeast Asia, where most of it comes from, continues to grow. Imports jumped to 405,000 metric tons in 2005 from 195,000 in 2003, statistics from the U.S.D.A. Foreign Agriculture Service show.
Here's where the orangutans come in. Last summer, the Center for Science in the Public Interest issued a report called Cruel Oil. In it, the group said that crucial tracts of tropical rainforest were being destroyed and turned into palm plantations in Malaysia and Indonesia, which account for more than 80 percent of the production of the world's palm oil. Orangutans live only in Sumatra and Borneo, and the campaign said they and other endangered animals, including tigers and rhinoceroses, were in danger of "dying for a cookie."
Here's where Paul Newman comes in. Mr. Jacobson and the report's other authors accuse Mr. Newman of "bragging" on his labels for cookies and microwave popcorn that palm oil is free of trans fat and is less saturated than palm kernel oil.
"These statements are literally true, but mislead people into thinking that palm oil is positively healthy," the report said. "Palm oil is not a health food."
For Ms. Newman, who contributes a large amount of time and money to sustainable farming and other environmental causes, the move against her family company seemed unfair. Her father was even angrier.
"It really upset Pops," said Ms. Newman. He became obsessed with proving that the form of palm oil the company uses is a healthier alternative to trans fats and that Newman's Own Organics isn't misleading its customers.
Gerakan Environmentalist , penglibatan dana asing dan Baru Bian (calon PKR Ba Kelalan)
Gerakan asing merosakkan reputasi miyak kelapa sawit Sarawak dipelopori oleh Wetland International Palm oil , peatland and Wetland publication. Wetland International pula mendapat dana asing dari National Endowment for Democracy.
Apakah National Endowment For Democracy (NED) ?
NED adalah Trojan Horse kepada aktiviti CIA di negara dunia ketiga. Rujuk trojan_horse
Siapakah pula yang mendapat dana asing di Malaysia?
Sumber au/library/NGOProjectReport menunjukkan kumpulan environmentalist dan NGO (di mana beberapa ahli politik pembangkang bergiat) mendapat bantuan dana tersebut:
" Wetlands International received two grants totalling US$60,000 to assist with its research into wetlands management in and around the Gulf of Thailand. "
"A number of environmental organisations received relatively small grants, primarily in the form of Global Green Grants from the Tides Foundation. These included Suaram (US$15,000), Sahabat Alam Malaysia (US$14,000), Indigenous Peoples Development Center (US$12,000), Uma Residents’ Association (US$7,400), KERUAN (US$6,500), Save Our Sungai Selangor (US$6,500), Coalition of Concerned NGOs on Bakun (US$3,000), Penang Inshore Fisherman Welfare Association (US$3,000), Sustainable Development Network Malaysia (US$2,745) and The Borneo Project (US$1,500)".
Lihat pula hasil laporan memburukkan Malaysia dan tindakan membalas laporan negatif yang telah dibuat oleh mypalmoil.
"Last year, environmental activist Wetlands International claimed 20 per cent of Malaysia's oil palm plantations are grown on peatland. More recently, it released a report by SarVision claiming that more than a third of Sarawak's peatland and 10 per cent of the state's forests were cleared between 2005 and 2010, for oil palm plantations.
It also alleged oil palm planting on peat displaced orangutans, tigers and elephants and increased carbon emissions.
These claims are repeatedly argued to further its "no indirect land use change" agenda, which Hamed noted actually poses a serious threat to the world's supply of cooking oils and fats. This is in addition to the obvious impact of curbing efforts to raise living standards through oil palm cultivation for poverty stricken states like Sarawak.
Apart from Wetlands' failure to adduce any credible scientific evidence that can be verified, SOPPOA chairman noted SarVision's definition of 'forest' is in line with that of UNFCCC which state that trees taller than 5m are considered as forest. -
Putarbelit fakta dan sejarah- pembangkang dan Baru Bian ambil kesempatan
Jelas menunjukkan dari laporan mypalmoil. definisi "hutan" menurut UNFCC adalah sebarang aktiiti penanaman semula kawasan hutan yang ditebang dengan species pokok lain yang mempunyai ketinggian melebihi 5 meter dikira sebagai kegiatan pemuliharaan hutan dan mengekalkan hutan! Sesungguhnya pembangunan ladang-ladang kelapa sawit di Sarawak dan Malaysia mengambil kira beberapa langkah utama iaitu memulihara hutan dengan menggantikan kawasan hutan berkayu dengan ladang kelapa sawit yang mendatangkan hasil dari minyak kelapa sawit serta menjadikan projek ladang kelapa sawit sebagai sosial engineering untuk menaiktaraf penduduk termiskin (di Semenanjung Malaysia).
Isu tanah adat (Native Customary Reserve NCR)
Isu tanah adat (NCR) yang cuba dibangkitkan pembangkang juga tidak menjadi kerana SELCRA membayar pampasan tanah ke atas pemilik NCR yang berdaftar. Usaha juga sedang dibuat oleh Kerajaan Negeri Sarawak untuk mempercepatkan pengukuran tanah adat dan memberi geran tanah kepada pemilik tanah adat (NCR) di Sarawak.
Etnik indegeneous di Malaysia iaitu kaum BUMIPUTERA sentiasa dibela. Malah beberapa artikel artikel 3,4,11,153,157 dan 159) dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan memelihara kepentingan Bumiputera. Jadi di manakah datangnya pembohongan dan penyeksaan ke atas kaum yang tinggal di hutan (The forest people) dalam artikel tropical woods and Sarawak forest people?
Setelah kesemua pembohongan dibongkar, ke manakah mahu larinya pembangkang? Mungkin artikel ini elok dibaca oleh semua rakyat Malaysia yang cintakan keamanan baru-bian-is-powerful-than-policeman.html
Berhati hatilah memilih ADUN untuk negeri Sarawak dalam pilihanraya kali ini. Jangan jadikan agenda negara asing berjaya dan jangan Sarawak terjajah buat kali kedua oleh negara asing yang berproksi The Yellow Rajjah seperti pesanan saya dalam artikel terdahulu di antara-3s-dan-sarawak-for-sarawakians dan sarawakian-against-yellow-rajah
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