Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Doa untuk umat Islam di Malaysia

I take this opportunity to produce a better doa as an alternative to "Doa Tok Guru" Politik

The credit goes to Mr. Rhino Rin (Dec 7, 2009)

The Doa

I think we should repeat this doa.

By your Name O Allah, please accord divine assistance to the meek.

By your Name O Allah, please cloud up the ways of DAP the gog and magog of my country.

By your name O Allah, please plug up the conduits of DAP the gog and magog of this land.

By the Name of Allah the god of all Messiahs and Prophets may your deceptions falls on you yourself O DAP the gog and magog of this nation.

By the sovereignty of your most Excellent Names O Allah may DAP the gog and magog of this soil be crippled, disabled or paralyzed.

By the Greatest of Your Names, please stop this DAP, this scourge, these sons of gog and magog.



Dengan nama Allah (Ba Mim Alif) ... dipohonkan bantuan bagi kaum yang (mengaku) kelemahan diri.

Dengan nama Allah (Ba Mim Alif) ... gelap seluruh sudut mu hai DAP Juj Ma'juj Malaysia.

Dengan nama Allah (Ba Mim Alif) ... tersumbat seluruh rongga mu hai DAP Juj Ma'juj Malayusia.

Dengan Nama Tuhan bagi sekelian Nabi dan Rasul a.s.w.s.; perdaya dirimu hai DAP Juj Ma'juj Malaysia.

Demi keagungan Asma-u-lhusna Mu, Engkau lumpuhkanlah DAP Juj Ma'juj Malaysia.

Dengan haq Ismul 'Adzam Semuga Allah sekat segala jalan DAP Juj Ma'juj Malaysia.


December 7, 2009 12:05 PM


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Thank you for your invitation.

I will visit your blog.

Have a nice day :)