Fast Forward, pada 8 Mac 2008-Pilihan Raya Umum 12 (PRU12)
Kalau dunia dikejutkan dengan tsunami yang meragut banyak nyawa di Acheh, Indonesia, Phuket Thailand, Sri Lanka, India dan Maldives pada tahun 2004, maka pada 8 Mac 2008, Malaysia dikejutkan dengan tsunami politik.
Pakatan Rakyat menang besar atas tiket "perpaduan parti alternatif" dan penepian ideologi parti masing-masing!
Perpaduan parti lawan bukan perkara baru di Malaysia . Ia pernah dikenalkan oleh Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah yang membawa kepada S46 menang dan membentuk kerajaan campuran dengan PAS di Kelantan.
Seperti juga dalam marketing, slogan atau war cry amat penting...dan slogan utama PR adalah..."menidakkan peluang majority 2/3 BN di Parliament"
Selain itu gula-gula politik diberikan dalam manifesto dari air dan elektrik percuma, parking percuma, biasiswa percuma sehinggalah kepada penurunan harga minyak!
Key Performance Index Pakatan Rakyat (PR) setelah satu setengah tahun berlalu
(ulasan seterusnya dibuat dalam bahasa Inggeris)
In marketing politics, 3 out of 4P'S in marketing principle can be applied here; product, placement/delivery /services and price. The discerning "rakyat" by now should ask these questions- these are the checklist prepared to gauge performance of the alternative coalition:-
1-What are the products of the election or by elections in Malaysia nowadays?-
If political stability is the objective, do Malaysians achieve the much desired political stability by denying BN the 2/3 majority in Parliament?
2-Does the alternative political entity nee PR deliver all that was professed in the manifesto as per promised to the discerning "rakyat" in the last general elections?
If the constituent voters are looking for better services/ or nowadays more commonly known as people-oriented MP's, are they having one with their present choice of MPs?
3-What are the price they have to pay or choices that they have to do without in choosing the MPs from alternative political entity?
(Remember the 3 P's ) If the abovementioned Key Performance Indexes (KPIs) failed, then, no amount of political marketing will undo the reputation of a BAD PRODUCT i.e. political party.
There will be massive swing in vote pattern in General Election 13. Historical data in Malaysian elections pattern show that the pendulum and vote swing pattern exist! A walk down political history lane showed that in General Election 2000, BN won comfortably. In 2004 General Elections, the pendulum and massive swing of voters stopped because of "the feel good feeling" with the dawn of a new administration and new political era. That year the alternative coalition failed miserably. However, political promised made in 2004 failed to materialised due to some mishaps, ill timing and unfortunate events, General Election 12 saw the pendulum vote swung towards the opposition. The pendulum swing was massive enough to cause one veteran politician to suffer cardiac arrest on the very night the election result of 2008 was announced (The poor politician, never recover and died the next day)
To Pakatan Rakyat Coalition (PR), be very careful of what you preach for...... if for one reason or another, the political entity fail during the five year delivery period, then it will spell the end of the political marketing of PR!
BN learned the hard way in 2008, and it is possible that there will be another massive vote swing in the next election 0f 2012........Looking at the whole scenario now, I deeply believe that with all the marketing hype a.k.a. election manifesto failed miserably to materialise in Pakatan Rakyat held states, the possibility of massive vote swing to BN is big!
However, UMNO / BN should never rest on its laurel of past successes. UMNO/BN has to constantly fight off misconception and misperception and smear campaign purposely done by PR coalition. UMNO at best has done so much by changing from within; fighting off graft as seen in the last UMNO General Assembly.
What is needed now is to fill in the generation gap of enrolment in all BN party components for age group of 35-50 years old, the market segments identified as bread winners and empty nesters.
Currently, these are the age groups that have no place in Pemuda nor Puteri UMNO because of the limitating age bracket, but at the same time cannot "make" it to the main UMNO or Wanita branch because they are deemed "too young". UMNO has to move fast to fill in the age gap because they are the decision makers and has big influence on the younger generations. These are also the people identified to be able to infuse UMNO with young blood and help branding strategy of UMNO and BN.
To be continued.......
Next the battle for brands or the battle for love?
Salaam. Semoga anda terus dirahmati, diampuni dan dipelihara ALLAH dalam ketaatan kepada-Nya sepanjang hayat. Semoga sejahtera dunia dan akhirat. Dunia hanya persinggahan, persiapkan diri untuk akhirat yang kekal tiada penghujung. (^_^)
Terima kasih tuan.
Dalam perjuangan.... kenalah istikharah, apapun tidak boleh keterlaluan. Jika menegur, biarlah berpadanan dan ada sempadan.
Ingatan dan doa tuan akan selalu saya pahatkan di hati. Tujuan saya adalah "to educate members of the public"
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