Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bila seluruh dunia dan cyberspace bersedeh dengan pembunuhan aruah Sosilawati, PAS bersikap tidak prihatin

Saya meneliti 2 laporan akhbar berbahasa Inggeris News Straits Times and The Star. Akhbar NST melaporkan dunia cyberspace terkedu dengan pembunuhan kejam aruah Datok Sosilawati dan rakan rakannya di sini

Manakala akhbar The Star melaporkan pembunuhan kejam tersebut mendapat liputan dari beberapa negara termasuk United Kingdom, China, Hungary, Australia, Singapore, Canada dan banyak lagi

Malah beberapa orang meluahkan rasa kecewa dengan cara pembunuhan kejam tersebut berlaku di sini

"The murder case of Sosilawati was seriously disturbing. Murdered, burnt to ashes, ashes strewn at Morib beach. How morbid," posted Aiman Hamizah on Twitter.

A woman who tweets as khatijah said "something is rotten in the state of Malaysia. Credit to the police who worked through (Hari) Raya and al-Fatihah for Sosilawati".

Malah ada yang mengatakan si pembunuh adalah seorang psycho (gila) di sini

"Datuk Sosilawati's killer is a psycho freak. Are you trying to be the next mona fandey?" angry elytric tweeted.

Syukurlah, maseh ada kewarasan dan sikap bencikan keganasan dalam sanubari rakyat Malaysia.

Ini jelas berbeda dengan sikap acuh tidak acuh kepimpinan PAS dan ADUNnya dalam menangani kes pembunuhan kejam ini. Persoalananya, apakah PAS lebih pentingkan political mileage dan kerana pembunuhnya berbangsa India maka keadilan terhadap aruah Sosilawati dan rakan rakannya tidak mahu ditegakkan? Apakah kerana baru memegang tampok kuasa di 2 buah negeri yang majority Melayu Islam maka PAS mahu membuang pengundi Melayu Islam dan menidakkan perasaan dan kegusaran Melayu Islam demi menjaga hati DAP dan PKR?

Lihat dan bedakan reaksi kekecewaan rakyat Malaysia dengan reaksi kepimpinan PAS di sini dan transkrip perbualannya di sini

Kenyataan Dr Lo lo dan rakan melalui twitter

"@AfiahHafiz Saya mnyebut sbb high profile case. Mmg byk kes pmbunuhan kejam, mcm2.stengah tu kita pn xde info. -about 13 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to AfiahHafiz

.@AfiahHafiz Sape yg bleh lupakn kmatian kaitkn sbb mrk adalh wnita spt sy. Mrk mati dbunuh kejam dbumi msia.apa yg politiknya? -about 14 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to AfiahHafiz

Altantuya Sosilawati wnita cantik muda mati dbunuh kejam dbumi Msia.sorang dletup sorang dbakar.bunuh wati ada motif?Bunuh Tuya Xde motif? "-about 15 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® "

Jelas dalam tragedi PAS maseh cuba mendapatkan political mileage dengan mengaitkannya dengan kes Altantuya.

Kepada PAS pesanan saya- cukuplah politiking yang membawa perpecahan umat Melayu Islam dan terhakisnya hak hak kita sebagai orang Islam yang diiktiraf dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan sebagai rakyat pribumi, mengamalkan ugama rasmi negara (Islam) dan dilindungi hak keistemewaannya sebagai penduduk pribumi di Malaysia.

Tatkala seluruh dunia cyberspace boleh bersatu hati mengutuk pembunuhan kejam tersebut dan seluruh dunia memberi liputan kepada tragedi itu, PAS dilihat sebagai satu entiti yang hilang arah, tidak bertegas walaupon keganasan kemanusian telah berlaku kerana terlalu menjaga hati rakan dalam PR.-PETIKAN DARI KEDUA AKHBAR DI SIARKAN PENUH DI BAWAH UNTUK RUJUKAN

News Straits Times
KUALA LUMPUR: Waves of sympathy and messages of condolences flooded cyberspace following news that cosmetics queen Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya and three others were murdered.

The micro-blogging site Twitter started buzzing late on Saturday night when users got wind that police had cordoned off a poultry farm and were ready to carry out excavation.

Many had prayed for the safe return of the four and hoped that unconfirmed reports of their deaths were unfounded.

But all hopes were dashed when police yesterday confirmed all four had been murdered.

Malaysians were shocked and outraged at the cold-blooded way Sosilawati, her lawyer Ahmad Kamil Abdul Karim, banker Noorhisham Mohammad and driver Kamarudin Shansudin were killed and how their bodies were disposed of.

"The murder case of Sosilawati was seriously disturbing. Murdered, burnt to ashes, ashes strewn at Morib beach. How morbid," posted Aiman Hamizah on Twitter.

A woman who tweets as khatijah said "something is rotten in the state of Malaysia. Credit to the police who worked through (Hari) Raya and al-Fatihah for Sosilawati".

Fellow Twitterer mistahasnul tweeted "whatever the truth is, Sosilawati is a tragic story of [sic] rag to riches to murder. Sad!" while others wanted those responsible to be brought to book.

"I hope those responsible for Sosilawati (will) be held accountable and punished. I really don't want to see a rerun of the Altantuya case," said user, witherthor.

The news of their deaths were tweeted and re-tweeted repeatedly, fuelling speculation on the "hows" and "whys".

Interestingly, some Twitterers compared the killings with the infamous Mona Fandey case.

"Datuk Sosilawati's killer is a psycho freak. Are you trying to be the next mona fandey?" angry elytric tweeted.

Coffee shop chatter was also abuzz with many speculating on the motives for the murders.

"Maybe someone was jealous of her success," said housewife Siti Aishah Abdullah.

Her teenage son Muhd Fairuz Muhd Ali believed it was a business deal gone wrong.


PETALING JAYA: The murder of cosmetics millionaire Datuk Sosilawati Lawiya has attracted worldwide media attention.

Online searches produced news reports of the case translated into various languages and hosted on websites in China, Hungary, Australia, Singapore, Canada and many more.

Some websites, such as The Straits Times Singapore, provided comprehensive updates and findings of the case.

UK-based newspaper The Telegraph also provided coverage through its correspondent in neighbouring Bangkok.

Sosilawati, 47, and three others - her lawyer Ahmad Kamil Abdul Karim, 32, CIMB Bank officer Noorhisham Mohammad, 38, and driver Kamaruddin Shansuddin, 44 - went missing on Aug 30 after visiting two brothers, both lawyers, over a land deal.

It was learnt that the founder of the Nouvelles Visage beauty line had engaged the lawyers' services to submit a tender for a piece of land in Bukit Jambul, Penang.

Read more: Killings spark cyberspace grief

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