Tuesday, December 16, 2014

# Surat terbuka dari 25 Professional Melayu Islam kepada PM....betulker?

Hebuh di pesada media ada 25 profesional yang mengutus surat terbuka supaya PM Najib berbincang dan menghantar orang untuk berdebat dengan mereka DALAM HAL EHWAL Islam (terutama yang melibatkan PERKASA dan ISMA , tapi tak nak pulak tembak ISIS, Bersih , puak liberal di Malaysia) . Betulker mereka minta debat? Dan betulker jumlahnya 25 orang?

Selepas menggali kumpulan tersebut didapati ianya dari sebuah email yang dianggotai oleh 25 Profesional. Namun aktif member dalam e mail group itu hanyalah 10 orang. Rujuk surat asal di 25 Profesional Muslim

Pengakuan seorang Tan Sri (Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Din  ) mengatakan mereka hanya setuju jika hal hala berkenaan ugama Islam dirujuk kepada mereka tanpa debat. Namun setelah menandatangani surat tersebut, tetiba ayat bertukar bunyi kepada "debat"

Apa tujuan debat? Debat hanya akan menyebabkan umat Islam berpecah belah. Sebarang perbincangan perlulah diadakan dalam suasana Islami dan di belakang pintu tertutup.

Saya berdoa agar PM Najib tak mengikut kehendak surat ini-selalunya yang suka berdebat ini berfikrah wahhabi. Semoga umat Islam di negara ini terselamat dari bahaya wahhabi , Syiah dan liberalisme ugama,

Surat asal (1)


Did any of you declare that you are #26 after the Open Letter was published? Well, you’re wrong. You are err… #25. The one after you will be #26. Yes of course I know how to count 

Alhamdulillah. I am pleased to inform that I met up with Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Din and he says that he will be withdrawing himself from the group. I can’t take any credit for that because he was already thinking of withdrawing before I had the chat with him. Indeed he showed me a handwritten draft expressing his concern that things seemed to be “spinning out of control". Ohhh alright, maybe I'll take a little bit of credit by removing any doubt from his mind that he was making the right decision. He has given me permission to inform of his withdrawal on Facebook before he conveys his decision to the group. (He does not have a Facebook or Twitter account).
I'll just mention a few points from our chat:
1. He said that the group had strayed from the objectives that he had understood.
2. What he had agreed to was to give support for a letter be sent to the Prime Minister to request for the appointment of a panel of experts to resolve any conflict between enacted Islamic laws and civil law and Constitution in a closed forum i.e. behind closed doors and not in public. He said in the handwritten draft to the group that “the one and only task is to urge the PM with the support of the silent majority to convene a gathering of experts to resolve the contentious issues”. They were not to get involved any further after making that request regardless if the PM agreed or not.
3. He said that he disagreed for any debate to be held. He was a bit stunned and disappointed when I showed him that the letter contained this request: "The need to ensure the right of citizens to debate the ways Islam is used as a source of public law and policy in this country”. He was not happy at all. Either he missed that in the letter — after all he is a 75 year old pensioner with poor eyesight — or the writer amended it later. He said if there was a debate then it would never end and I replied that is precisely what the liberals want: a non stop debate until Islamic laws become ineffective. He repeated a few times that there must not be any debate.
4. He said that questioning any particular Islamic law was not the purpose. Indeed he questioned and cautioned the group that they were not qualified or proficient to engage in any technical discussion. He said it was for the panel of experts to consider and resolve whatever relevant issues. That is, it was not for the group to suggest to the panel what specific laws should be reviewed.
5. He is particularly unhappy about the way some members in the group (perhaps about 5 of them) are getting overzealous and “happy” (I think he meant cocky) after the Open Letter was published. He was also particularly annoyed that a couple of them said they wanted to “shoot out another open letter". He has since stopped communicating with them in their email group (although he still reads their emails). Many other members of the group have also been silent in their group email correspondence.
6. He was not pleased when I told him that many non Muslims and liberal extremists like SIS had capitalised on and flogged the Open Letter for their own agenda.
We discussed many things but I think the above are enough for the purpose of this message. I might add more in the comments section tomorrow.

Saya minta kawan-kawan semua doa yang terbaik untuk Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Din. Please do me that favour as I know the 25 had curses rained upon them and I don’t want any to stick to him. Thanks for doing that favour

Azmi Arshad

Komentar seorang lagi facebooker Wan Ahmad Faisyal (2)

Pelik bin ajaib, *tokoh* Melayu 25 bersaudara seaqidah "moderat" membangkitkan hal yang sebenarnya tidaklah begitu penting di saat ini (ala sebenarnya nak tembak PERKASA dan ISMA dan pertahankan SIS; selebih tu silat pulut saja) sedangkan di mana kepekaan mereka di saat nama Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dihumban ke dalam mahkamah sivil oleh gerombolan Evangelical yang tahu (yes, they lied) bahawa nama "Allah" itu bukanlah sesuatu yang "integral" dalam pegangan keagamaan mereka? Adakah mereka buta hati dalam melihat kemarahan orang Islam di negara ini?
Kenapa hal ini tidak dibangkitkan dalam surat tersebut?
Kalau mereka benar-benar Wasatiyyah (yakni dalam tafasir ahl al-Sunnah merujuk kepada makna 'Adil) kenapa tidak dipertahankan sekali?
Juga mengapa "single out" ISMA dan PERKASA sedangkan HINDRAF dan Dong Zong, gerakan pemisah Borneo berkali ganda lebih ekstrim kerana mereka menuntut sesuatu yang menggugat negara sedangkan ISMA dan PERKASA hanya pertahankan apa yang termaktub dan ada dalam kontrak sosial?
Mereka tidak disabitkan sekali kerana kita semua tahu yang bermain api ini bukan ISMA dan PERKASA kerana kedua-dua kumpulan ini timbul di saat UMNO dan PAS semakin longlai, hilang punca dalam mempertahankan agama dan bangsa yang saban hari dicabar kumpulan-kumpulan ekstremisme daripada bangsa dan agama lain?
Tell me is this not another form of hypocrisy like how Ambiga, BERSIH have failed to protest against the daylight sodomy of "democracy" (yes, backdoor through Statutory Declaration) in Selangor done by Anwar Ibrahim?
Sorry, I don't buy your cause.


Surat asal 25 Profesional Melayu di http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/rencana/article/surat-terbuka-kepada-rakyat-malaysia-noor-farida-ariffin

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