Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Krisis Mesir- Apa yang penting ialah kesinambungan negara Israel

Setakat ini Kerajaan Malaysia telah berjaya memindah lebih 3600 pada hari pertama. Jika kadar itu diambil sebagai pemindahan sehari, dalam masa 4 hari, maka selesailah proses pemindahan pelajar Malaysia dari bumi Nabi Musa dan Firaun itu.

Di mana sambutan Maulid mu wahai pencinta ahlul bayt di bumi Mesir? Kenapakah sambutan Maulid digantikan dengan rusuhan kerana mengikut an nafs?

Kita menghargai jasabaik Kerajaan Malaysia dan Kerajaan negeri yng prihatin seperti Sabah memindahkan pelajar Malaysia atas dasar kemanusian. Tidak lupa juga kita berterima kasih kepada TUDM yang mengadakan penerbangan sebanyak 11 kali dalam masa sehari untuk memindahkan rakyat Malaysia yang terperangkap di Iskandariah dan mengadakan penerbangan Iskandariah-Jeddah serta Kaherah-Jeddah. Begitu juga kerjasama dari agnesi Kerjaan seperti MARA, syarikat korporat MAS dan AirAsia.

Pergolakan di Mesir juga menjadi iktibar kepada rakyat Malaysia mengenai bagaimana kuasa asing boleh menggunakan dalang mereka untuk membangkitkan rasa tidak puas hati dan rusuhan bagi menaikkan proxy mereka sebagai pemimpin di sesebuah negara.

Rasa tidak puas hati dan didalangi dengan slogan "keadilan-kesaksamaan-kebebasan" ini amat sinonim dengan dasar Freemason. Rujukan lanjut di SINI

Cara mereka menaikkan pemimpin pilihan ialah dengan menggerakkan "suara rakyat" bagi menggulingkan kepimpinan sedia ada yang kurang bekerjasama dengan mereka. Di Asia kita telah melihat perkara ini berlaku di Filipina, Indonesia, dan di negara Arab kita melihat perkara yang sama berlaku di Tunisia dan sekarang Mesir. Negara Arab lain goyah dan ini ditunjukkan dengan King Abdullah di Jordan menukarkan perdana menteri baru.

Mubarak ally Amerika Syarikat didapati telah membelot dengan memberikan bantuan secara sembunyi kepada Palestine dengan membuka pintu sempadan secara senyap senyap bagi membolehkan bantuan kemanusian, perubatan dan lain-lain masuk melalui pintu darat Jun 2010. Sumber dari pelajar kita di Mesir juga memberitahu Mubarak membuka rancangan penempatan penduduk miskin seumpama Felda di Sinai yang dikembalikan kepada Mesir. Ini menyukarkan Israel untuk memasuki kembali kawasan tersebut.

Pengajaran yang paling penting dalam krisis ini adalah  survival negara Yahudi. Satu kupasan yang menarik dalam artikel Hudson New Yor di sini.

The military aid we give Israel is not designed to protect a regime against its own citizens, as it is with regard to the aid to Jordan and Egypt. Our assistance to Israel is calculated to protect it from external enemies like Iran, sworn to its destruction.

The people of Israel may not love a particular American President or administration, but they love America and what we stand for. And Israel helps America - with intelligence gathering, development of military weapons, cyber technology defense and in numerous other ways. The relationship is a model of symbiosis.

But recent events in the Mideast, particularly the haste with which we abandoned Mubarak, our most loyal Arab ally, has raised questions among some Israelis as to whether Israel can always count on the United States.

Skeptical Israelis wonder how this, or any other, American administration would react to a demand from the Arab street across the entire Middle East or the United States to abandon Israel. This demand could come even if Israel makes peace with the Palestinians and agrees to permanent borders, since Islamic radicals don't recognize Israel's right to exist within any borders. Israelis recall how quickly we abandoned the shah and how responsive our government has been to the demands of protesters in Tunisia and Egypt.

Israelis wants real democracy among its Arab neighbors, but they fear that elections alone—particularly elections that put groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood in power—will produce anything but real democracy. Hamas' violent takeover in Gaza provides the negative model that they fear will emerge from the Egyptian chaos.

While recognizing the enormous difference between democratic Israel and the tyrannical regimes against which the Arab street is now rising, these concerned Israelis are contemplating a worst case scenario. They fear that history has shown that a friend in desperate need is a friend often betrayed by superpowers.

This skepticism is not necessarily fueled by any criticism of the United States, but rather by a realistic recognition that America has its own national interests which it will always place over the interests of even its staunchest allies. The United States is, for better or worse, the world's most important superpower, and it must necessarily serve as a kind of policeman to the entire world.

Most Americans believe that it will always be in America's interests to support Israel because of its commitment to values akin to our own. But there are some Americans—from those on the extreme right like Sen. Rand Paul, to so-called realists like Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, to those on the extreme left, like Noam Chomsky—who would see no problem in abandoning Israel at the drop of a keffiyeh.

Accordingly, though most Israelis believe that America will always support its survival, many refuse to count on it. That's why they developed a long term strategy of self-reliance. The attitude of many Israelis can perhaps best be summed up by the important lesson Elie Wiesel has taught all Jews to learn from the Holocaust: "Always believe the threat of your enemies more than the promises of your friends."

The threats being made by the Muslim Brotherhood to destroy the Jewish state by force must be taken seriously. The promises by the United States to stand behind Israel, though I believe they will remain true, must necessarily be viewed skeptically by Israelis. Israel must always be prepared to defend itself.


Hudson New York http://www.hudson-nyegypt
Jewish Influences in American Politics http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/ij_ch8.htm

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