Intensive life stocks farming in Thailand. No swine, just chicken here! Courtesy of my blogger friend Fuzail
In my previous article, I touched about climatic changes due to astronomy movement (comets bombardment on earth surfaces), and to smaller scale, the effect of volcanic eruptions on plant photosynthesis process. This process is important in order to ensure plants survive and also uninterrupted food chain for human survival.
Today I have a very interesting article regarding climate suitability, a country apt and timely (Thailand) positioning in agriculture and why it became the country of choice for UAE to plant crops..This is, a strategic approach of an arid and dry country like UAE to ensure uninterrupted food supply to her people.......
Planting crops on another foreign soil /country is nothing new, for it has been done by a rich, small land-locked country in Europe; Luxembourg. Luxembourg is known to own huge tracks of land in the United States and Britain, among others, planting crops and breeding life stock, for the former country's uninterrupted food supply.
This same strategic move is being followed by UAE, known for Islamic Banking (gee another good product and export of Malaysia) and ICT development ( we talk about Multimedia Super corridor eh? This coalition of small Arab city states overtook us in terms of ICT application in economy. Now we have to learn from UAE about simple stuff such as application of business online i.e business licensing among other stuff) .
For the sake of the readers, I paste herewith an excerpt of the article from my blogger friend Fuzail at http://1426.blogspot.com/2009/06/uae-to-set-up-livestock-farms-in.html
The article can be read here
Hello Malaysia, it seems that Thailand has better plan than us. While certain state is developing the state-of-the-art pig farming, Thailand is attracting UAE to develop huge livestock farms and produce halal products!
We need more investment in agriculture and this kind of arrangement shall be already thought of especially when Thailand is not even a Muslim country.
(It is not puzzling why more flights to Bangkok from the Gulf than to Kuala Lumpur and Emirates is launching A380 to Bangkok!!)
Thailand's climatic and geographic conditions suit livestock production.
The UAE Government is holding talks with Thailand about plans to develop huge livestock farms and produce halal products in the Southeast Asian country.
A senior Thai official in Dubai, who did not wish to be named, told Emirates Business that his government had spoken to a number of GCC governments about the proposals.
"As part of its food security strategy, the UAE Government is keen to promote commercial offshore agriculture and livestock production," added the official, who is involved in bilateral business and trade relations with the UAE.
"Thailand is one of the few countries in the world that could achieve 100 per cent self-reliance in food. Our climatic and geographic conditions suit livestock production.
"For the GCC countries the priority will be to develop livestock farms in the southern part of Thailand and the proposed major farms would produce goats, sheep and other animals."
The UAE already has ambitious plans to establish agricultural production centres in Sudan and Pakistan. The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development intends to develop 70,000 acres of land for food production in Sudan.
Saudi Arabia has also announced plans for overseas farm, livestock and fisheries projects in a number of countries, and the Kingdom's ministry of agriculture recently gave a group of Saudi investors advice on the topic.
The proposals are part of a broader Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry plan to develop a strong halal food production chain covering many countries. The UAE, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain have announced moves to invest in developing agricultural farms in Asian and African countries as part of a food security plan.
Thailand is a major producer of poultry and beef, with the latter accounting for more than 50 per cent of the meat produced there. The country is also a major dairy producer.
The official said GCC investment in livestock production would focus on the southern provinces of Phuket, Phangnga, Krabi, Ranong, Trang and Satun, which are all agricultural and fishing areas with a considerable amount of arable land suitable for commercial livestock production. He said the GCC countries had expressed an interest in establishing rice farms but this would not be possible because of a shortage of suitable land.
"Our limited farmland is already used for white rice cultivation and we could not provide rice farms for GCC investors," he added. "They are looking at rice farms in other Asian countries."
Meanwhile, Charoen Pokpand Foods, Thailand's largest agri-business firm with operations in 14 countries, is planning a major investment to develop livestock farms in the Moscow region of Russia, according to official Thailand Government sources. A fodder plant has already been established and the entire project is due to be completed by 2012.
And Thailand is also planning to invest in other Asian countries including Bang?ladesh and Pakistan with a view to producing dairy products and halal meat for the global market, targeting two billion Muslim consumers.
Posted by fudzail at 9:37 AM
Labels: livestock farm, malaysia, thailand, UAE
Footnote by anakbukitgantang,
Interesting addition, on the second last paragraph , the entire project is due to be completed by 2012. Why 2012? Ehmmm have you seen the Mayan calendar anybody?
And to lament loudly, Malaysia has lost too many precious time and opportunity over bad business decision making of Opposition-led states which focused more on swine (pig) breeding rather than other life stocks of choice i.e chicken, cow, sheeps, pigeons tsk tsk tsk......
Next article,
where communal farming fails, private ownership garden thrive..oh no! This is not another communist country, it happens here, under the very nose of Malaysians....Putrajaya!
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